Sinful Sunday: Sweet release

It’s prompt week, and this month’s prompt is “simple pleasures”.

I could tell you all about the circumstances behind the above tweet – but what it boils down to is that I have a 34FF chest. Walking down to the Co-op for some milk when I’m not wearing a bra is an adventure in physics; pogoing around the living room without something supportive quickly goes from being liberating and fun to quite painful actually.

Any other woman whose nipples can migrate to her armpits when she lies down will tell you about the double edged sword that is the Good Bra. The comfort and relief that comes from wearing something properly supportive, balanced – and, towards the end of the day, negated – by the tightness around the ribcage, the straps gradually rubbing at our shoulders…

There’s nothing like that moment of release.

Woman removing bra

Who else is playing this weekend? Click on the kiss:

Sinful Sunday

24 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: Sweet release

  1. What a beautiful photo! Your gorgeous creamy soft skin and such a pretty bra too.
    I totally agree about that best time of day… When we can release the girls! Bliss!
    Kat X


  2. You have gorgeous breasts. As someone at the opposite end of the boob spectrum (I’m tiny), I can’t really say I’ve ever experienced this feeling but your words definitely convey the relief involved in act of bra-shedding. Jane xxx


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