Sinful Sunday: Good and tight

Last week I treated myself to a proper steel-boned corset.

It’s Cadbury purple.

That would have been enough to tempt me, but then I got to try it on. I’m used to the cool appraising gaze and business-like hands of Her Majesty’s brassiere fitters, but this takes that several steps further.

Letting those practiced hands adjust me, smoothing the corset’s sides and my ribs, tugging the modesty panel straight, doing the Picard manoeuvre, judging how much tighter it can be made. Having someone handle me firmly, being made to stand taller, feeling myself pull in and up, the subtle but growing pressure on my body as the laces are pulled tighter, incrementally: bottom, then top, then bottom, then top, one hand constantly taking up the slack in the middle.

I find it thoroughly enjoyable and deeply comforting. Babies like being swaddled; I like being held tight.

When she’s done, she says “well“, quietly, but clearly impressed – and, finally allowed to look in the mirror, I’m stunned by the literal hourglass I’ve become. My small but very short waist is even tinier, an amazing contrast with my hips and chest.

I should have got a picture then. I can never get them tight enough myself, for two reasons.

Hands pulling laces on the back of a corset tight

The first is that while I can exert a fair amount of strength pulling the ties, I’d be able to give it far more welly if I wasn’t working against my shoulders. I’ve been told door handles are my friends in this respect.

The other reason is that I get myself terribly confused tightening the laces and pulling the spare lacing in the right direction from the hips and bust.

To be honest, I like how obvious it is even when I’m not cinched right in.

Woman's figure in violet corset

Who else is playing this weekend? Click on the kiss:

Sinful Sunday

28 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: Good and tight

  1. I love corsets, I can tie myself in but I cheat by having the ribbons soooooooooooo long that I can wind them around my hands. It still took me about 6 months to get it right in my eyes but I daresay a corsetier would have kittens lol. Beautiful corset, beautifully worn.


  2. I LOVE this corset, the colour purple is so striking and your description of being laced up is perfect. I love that sensation as he corsets the ties tighter and tighter



  3. I love the hug of a corset…I have 3, 1 of which I can never get right because I’m useless at lacing myself up!



    • This is my first proper one.
      I’ve got three plastic boned underbusts, which are more for the burlesque learner in me – I can bend down in those, and do them up when they’re already fairly tightly laced. They’re very definitely not as much fun 🙂


      • I have 2 plastic boned, and 1 steel boned, and it’s that one I have a problem with. The laces are just so damn long I never know what to do with them!!


  4. Simply stunning! I love the color against your skin. I also really, really loved the way you described getting fitted for this. It was quite hot! I had no idea such places existed but I want to try one now.


  5. Pingback: In praise of the corset | The Shingle Beach

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